Booking summary

Mon 22 April

Sensory Room-Manton, Oakham-Birth to Pre-Walking

Time 22nd April, Monday 10:30am - 11:30am
Address Manton Village Hall, Priory Road, Manton, Oakham, LE15 8SU View map
Phone 07738596889

1 in stock

Come and join me for some sensory fun at our calm, magical and relaxing sessions. It is a multi-sensory room designed to stimulate the senses (with the exception of taste) and enhance your baby’s development.

This is a parent/baby led session, which gives you the opportunity to relax and enjoy each other’s company. There will be a large selection of toys, such as ribbon rings, scarves, foil blankets, flashing balls and tambourines, which you are free to explore at your baby’s will.

This is suitable for newborn babies up to pre-walkers. Come along to our sessions to bond with your baby, whilst meeting like-minded care givers.

There is on-site parking at all of the venues in my territory.  These are mostly free, but please check your information email, which you will receive closer to the time of the session.

I am really looking forward to meeting you. Please get in touch if you require further information.